Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Maintenance Tip

  • Require large-capacity tank or widened min. 500 liters.
  • Berzona reef flat or cave zone is not too high.
  • Solitary or alone in each species.
  • Diet and type of food can be tailored to our desires, provided through the adaptation process.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Marine angelfish are perciform fish species of the family Pomacanthidae. They are found in shallow coral reefs in the tropical Atlantic, Indian, and mostly western Pacific oceans. This fish family consists of seven genera and about 86 species. They are not the same as the freshwater angelfish, tropical Cichlids in the Amazon River basin.
With bright colors and deep, laterally compressed fish body is some kind of sea nymph who inhabits coral reefs. They are most similar to kepe-kepe/kupu-kupu Butterflyfish or fish, these fish families associated with reef fish. Marine Angelfish Butterflyfish distinguished from the existence of strong preopercle spines (in the gills). This section also explains the spines of the fish family Pomacanthidae; from Poma Greek meaning 'cover' and akantha meaning 'thorn'.

Many species of marine angel fish have extensions such as tape back up software from the anal fin. Fish has a small mouth, a relatively large pectoral fins and tail fins are rounded to crescent. The largest species, the gray angelfish, arcuatus Pomocanthus, can reach lengths of 60 cm; in nature other extreme, members of the genus Centropyge not exceed 15 cm. Length 20 and 30 cm on average for family members of other fish. Smaller species are very popular among aquarists, whereas the largest species sometimes find fish as food, but there are reports of Ciguatera poisoning as a result of eating marine angelfish .

Many species of marine angel fish have extensions such as tape back up software from the anal fin. Fish has a small mouth, a relatively large pectoral fins and tail fins are rounded to crescent. The largest species, the gray angelfish, arcuatus Pomocanthus, can reach lengths of 60 cm; in nature other extreme, members of the genus Centropyge not exceed 15 cm. Length 20 and 30 cm on average for family members of other fish. Smaller species are very popular among aquarists, whereas the largest species sometimes find fish as food, but there are reports of Ciguatera poisoning as a result of eating marine angelfish .

Royal angelfish, diacanthus Pygoplites of East Timor a larger species are also quite thick and apparently fearless, they often approach divers. While the majority of easily adapting to life in the aquarium, some kind of special foods that are difficult to maintain. Her eating habits can be strictly defined through genus, with species Genicanthus eat zooplankton and Centropyge of filamentous algae. Other species focus on Sessile invertebrates, sponges, tunicates, bryozoans, and hidroid are staples.

Most sea nymph fish limit themselves to shallow reefs, rarely wander more than 50 m. The abei Centropyge recently known to inhabit depths of 150 m. They are diurnal animals, hiding in the recesses and crevices of the reef at night. Some species are solitary in nature and form mating pairs are very territorial; several females with one dominant male. Several species of young fish find food with difficulty, and living as cleaner fish.

Generally, many species have experienced dramatic changes in the color associated with fish age. For example, young male angelfish, bellus Genicanthus, has a wide line, black and can not be distinguished from females at a young age, inflates bright orange stripe on the flank and back. Associated with social tinggkat, this color change is not necessarily limited to males, many types of marine angelfish, known as protogynous transsexual. This means that if females reduced the male dominant female will change into functional males.

As laying pelagic, marine angel fish eggs floating out a lot of small size into the water which then become part of the plankton. Eggs float freely with the currents until they hatch, a large number of larvae become food for the plankton.

Queen angelfish, growing to 45 cm. scales with light blue and yellow motif, with colorful purple and orange dots, rarely seen, like to hide themselves, and very shy .